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Clubs & Organizations 

Looking to get involved? A Club & Organization Fair is held at the beginning of each semester.

See a club you're interested in? Email the club president or advisor—they can't wait to hear from you!

Check out all that ̽»¨ÉçÇø Clubs have to offer.

Arts & Music

Club email: artclub@moravian.edu
Social Media Handle: @moravianartclub on Instagram 

The Art Club is dedicated to the appreciation, promotion, and creation of the visual arts through visits by artists, designers, photographers, curators and other arts professionals; visits to museums, galleries, and other sites; exhibitions of art at the H. Paty Eiffe Gallery in the HUB and on Hurd Campus; art workshops in a variety of media; and other opportunities. The art club meets regularly on South Campus to plan and discuss events.

Anime club logo

Club email: animeclub@moravian.edu
Social Media Handle: @animeclubmu on Instagram 

Our club mission is to bring students together and provide a dedicated space to enjoy their personal interest and hobbies. While centered around anime, this club will also be the organization to allow students and members to freely express themselves inside and outside of the realm of anime.

The ̽»¨ÉçÇø Community Orchestra is composed of students, faculty, staff, and community performers. The orchestra performs symphonic repertory from all periods. Membership is by audition. LinC or elective credit available. See the Music Department website for details.

student dance company dancing

Company Director: Lisa Busfield 

The ̽»¨ÉçÇø Dance Company is an outlet for students to explore the artistic dimensions of modern dance, jazz, tap, and ballet. Students audition for the company in early September. During the fall semester, the dancers take two weekly technique classes, perform at Homecoming, and attend professional performances/workshops. In the spring semester, the emphasis is on choreography and rehearsal for the annual March concert.

Director: TBA

The ̽»¨ÉçÇø Greyhound Marching Band performs at all home football games, the Homecoming Parade, and other fall parades and events. Band Camp is the week before the fall term. LinC or elective credit available.


Club email: pcmea@moravian.edu

PCMEA works together to advocate for music education and provide service to the community through music. The organization strives to uphold the values of intentional community, by being positive, professional, personal, and respectful. PCMEA recognizes the importance and strengths of each individual and foster a safe community in which they can grow together as aspiring educators.

Club email: 

Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia is the world’s oldest and largest secret national fraternal society in music. For over a century, Sinfonians in nearly every field of study and professional endeavor have transformed music in America. The Object of this Fraternity shall be for the development of the best and truest fraternal spirit; the mutual welfare and brotherhood of musical students; the advancement of music in America and a loyalty to the Alma Mater.

rhythm rider logo

Club email:  rhythmriders@moravian.edu

Rhythm Riders are ̽»¨ÉçÇø's step and dance team. They perform dances from step to hip hop to Jersey club and welcome all styles. They welcome everyone from different dance backgrounds whether beginner or advanced and strive to bring a creative space for people who love to dance. They expand their interest in cultural dances like African and Latin dances. While also learning the historic background of stepping.

Club email:  stitchesclub@moravian.edu

Stitches is a knitting and crocheting club that strives to make a positive impact in the community. The group meets regularly to knit/crochet items, such as hats, scarves, and gloves, that are then donated to homeless shelters.

Club email: 

Studio South is ̽»¨ÉçÇø's student-run in-house design studio. Students work with on-campus clients to create graphic design work, including logo design, posters, brochures, flyers and other printed material. Students gain valuable skills and experience, not to mention design work for their portfolios. Students also receive either work-study pay, or course credit, for being part of Studio South.

Artistic Director: Dr. Christopher Shorr

Club email: 

At ̽»¨ÉçÇø, students learn theatre by doing it. The theatre company includes students with all levels of experience and a wide variety of academic interests. The ̽»¨ÉçÇø theatre company produces student and faculty directed productions in the Arena Theatre each year. For more information about the Theatre Company visit /theatre

Director: Dr. Carl Hess

Club email: 

The ̽»¨ÉçÇø Wind Ensemble performs wind-band literature from all periods. The ensemble has toured the region, the Caribbean, the United Kingdom, and Germany. Membership is by audition. Meets in the spring semester only. LinC or elective credit available. See Music Department website for details.

Business & Finance

Club email: 

The Amrhein Investment Club provides students with unique hands-on experience in managing a portfolio valued at over $1.4 million. Members are divided into four funds, each with specific objectives, and are responsible for evaluating current holdings, monitoring domestic and foreign markets, conducting extensive research, as well as organizing buy/sell presentations. Each year, students are invited to share the club's performance at trustee meetings as well as various alumni events. To provide even broader exposure, Amrhein sponsors trips to New York City, annual shareholder meetings, as well as other venues of interest. 

Club email: 

The ̽»¨ÉçÇø Business Leaders club exists to provide an environment whereby students interested in business and associated disciplines can engage in discovery and growth, both as individuals and as aspiring professionals. Information pertaining to the fields of economics and business is obtained through involvement in this organization, along with participation in activities and events to improve the health of the community at large.

Our mission is to prepare members for the requirements of business endeavors, while cultivating humanism, professionalism, and ethical behavior through the employment of rich instruction, valuable resources, and structured mentorship. Club affiliates strive to involve members of the ̽»¨ÉçÇø campus, ̽»¨ÉçÇø alumni, and local community partners through sponsored events where members can obtain working knowledge of businesses and their processes.

Past activities include: visiting Tiffany and Co. (hosted by Andy Hart, alumnus and member of Board of Trustees); touring Susquehanna Brewing Company, volunteering at the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs (where members worked with group sales and events, in addition to promotional departments to understand how a baseball game is managed and staged).

Campus Life

Best Buddies logo

Club email:  bestbuddies@moravian.edu

Best Buddies International is a nonprofit dedicated to ending the social and physical isolation of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Our programs empower the special abilities of people with IDD by helping them form meaningful friendships with their peers. We advocate for inclusion!

As a college chapter, we partner with Good Shepherd that alerts us of individuals who are interested in being a part of ̽»¨ÉçÇø's Best Buddies Chapter. Friendship matches are based on common interests and compatibility. Though, students are not required to have a match. Any student can be an associate member who is able to attend all events and has the option of becoming a peer member in the future if they would like to.

Commuter association logo

Club email: commuterstudentassociation@moravian.edu

The Commuter Student Association (CSA) helps commuter students form a stronger bond with the ̽»¨ÉçÇø community, serves as a liaison between commuter students and administration, and offers leadership development opportunities for commuter students.

Club email: 

The Hound Pack is a student-led fan club that aims to unify and engage the student body in athletic events while increasing school spirit across campus.


Club email: 

The mission of the Inter-fraternity Council, the governing body of the four fraternities, is to develop closer working relationships and coordination among the social fraternities and with the University as a whole. Additional purposes include:

  • Promoting the interests of ̽»¨ÉçÇø.
  • Planning unified and educational events to promote Greek life, including fraternity recruitment.
  • Working collaboratively with Panhellenic Council.
  • Discussing questions of mutual interest and present to recommendations the social fraternities.

Club email: 

The ̽»¨ÉçÇø chapter of Student Veterans of America (SVA) is designed to aid student veterans and their families in achieving their goals through the following endeavors:

• Assist military veterans and their families in achieving their educational goals.

• Guide military veterans and their family's transition from military service.

• Develop and maintain a veteran identity within the ̽»¨ÉçÇø community.

• Promote and make accessible all benefits and entitlements afforded to military veterans and their families.

• Ensure for the need and overall wellness of student veterans.

• Promote and maintain the interests of students with a prior or current military affiliation.

• Develop and foster a social network for student military veterans.

• Provide outreach services to student military veterans and their families.

• Work with other military veteran organizations to enhance benefits and services provided to veterans and their families.

• Participate in Community Outreach projects.

• Have fun!

MAC spring 2021 board

Club email: mac@moravian.edu
Social Media Handle: @moravianactivitiescouncil on Instagram 

̽»¨ÉçÇø Activities Council (MAC) hosts a large variety of events, each designed to give students healthy, social opportunities to be involved in our community. Some of these events are meant to create and maintain traditions that bring the entire ̽»¨ÉçÇø Community closer together, such as Fall Fest and Homecoming and other are meant to provide something to do as a study break!

Omicron Delta Kappa logo

Club email: odk@moravian.edu

Omicron Delta Kappa membership is extended to juniors and seniors who have demonstrated high academic achievement, leadership in campus activities and organizations, and service to College and community. The ̽»¨ÉçÇø Circle of ODK also sponsors lectures and service projects and recognizes the academic achievement and leadership of ̽»¨ÉçÇø students.


Club email:

Panhellenic Council, the governing body of the four National Panhellenic Conference sororities, exists to develop and encourage sorority life while promoting positive relations among the chapters. The Council represents the ideals of Greek Life including friendship, leadership, scholarship, and service to the community and each other. Additional purposes include:

  • Promoting high scholastic and social standards.
  • Cooperating with the college administration in the maintenance of high social standards.
  • Providing a forum for the discussion of question of interest in the college and fraternity world.
  • Planning and coordinating all aspects of sorority recruitment.
  • Furthering intellectual accomplishment and sound scholarship.
  • Acting in accordance with National Panhellenic Conference rules, policies, and creed.

senior gift committee members

Club email: 

The Senior Class Gift Campaign is a long-standing tradition at ̽»¨ÉçÇø. It is an effort to raise awareness, educate, appreciate, and celebrate philanthropy on our campus. The Senior Class Gift Campaign is your first introduction to alumni giving, and is your opportunity to help your class leave a legacy by paying it forward for future Hounds! The Senior Class Gift Committee is responsible for spearheading all campaign efforts, including educating their peers about the campaign, soliciting for the campaign, attending weekly committee meetings, and planning all senior events hosted by the Senior Class Gift Committee. These events include 100 Days Til Graduation, 45 Days Til Graduation, and Senior Wine & Cheese.

Club email: 

The ̽»¨ÉçÇø STARs promote a sense of pride in ̽»¨ÉçÇø in both students and alumni, and we have a lot of fun doing it!

Our purpose is to engage students with alumni in order to better understand ̽»¨ÉçÇø tradition and enhance their academic experience through meaningful events and programs. To foster a student's pride in Moravain College with the understanding that they are students for four years, but are Greyhounds for life.

̽»¨ÉçÇø STARs are Sophomore, Junior, and Senior members of the ̽»¨ÉçÇø community who are actively involved on the college campus. They embody the Mission and Vision of the University at all times and are proud to represent the 6th oldest college in the nation and the first educate women.

Club email: 

The Student-Athlete Advisory Committee is composed of student-athlete representatives from each ̽»¨ÉçÇø sports team. This component of the NCAA promotes communication with the Athletics Department and reviews both conference and NCAA legislation. SAAC also organizes special campus and community-service events.


Club email: 

Twenty-Six Points is named for the points of the ̽»¨ÉçÇø star, this group assists the Admissions Office by conducting campus tours for prospective students and their parents, attending college nights at area high schools, and helping with on-campus programs. Members serve as ambassadors of the University by assisting with public events, particularly those with an impact on new-student enrollment. All students are welcome to apply. Members are selected through a competitive interview process and chosen on the basis of academic performance, leadership, and involvement in College activities.

USG members

Club email: usg@moravian.edu
Social Media Handle: @moravianusg on Instagram 

USG strives to represent the student body and the ̽»¨ÉçÇø Community by addressing campus needs by facilitating student-centered programs, maintaining tradition, and serving as a liaison between students and administration. Get involved in student government by running in the annual fall elections. Learn more at www.moravian.edu/usg.

Club Sports & Recreation

Club email: 

Description coming soon.

Social Media Handle: @moraviancheer on Instagram 

Description coming soon.

Club email: equestrian@moravian.edu

The ̽»¨ÉçÇø Equestrian Team is an organization for horse enthusiasts. It supports riding lessons and conducts other activities for its members. Club members compete as the ̽»¨ÉçÇø Equestrian Team in intercollegiate horse show events.

The eSports club team competes against other college teams throughout the region in the ECAC. Current teams include Overwatch, League of Legends, Smash Bros., and Fortnite. 

rugby team

Club email: rugbyclub@moravian.edu
Social Media Handle: @moravianrugbyclub on Instagram 

The ̽»¨ÉçÇø Rugby Club was founded in 1972 whose alumni members would go on to establish the Bethlehem Rugby Club. The new ̽»¨ÉçÇø Rugby Club was formed in the fall of 2013 where they won the EPRU Championship in their inaugural season! The Club has participated in both 7s and 15s competitions during the fall and spring seasons. ̽»¨ÉçÇø was admitted to the EPRU (Eastern Pennsylvania Rugby Union) as a recognized member in the fall of 2015. The Club has worked hard to compete at the local, regional and national levels. They won the Tier 2 division title in their first year and moved to Tier 1 in the fall of 2016 where they also took home the title.

As of the fall of 2017, the Club now competes in the MARC (Mid-Atlantic Rugby Conference). The newly formed NSCRO (National Small College Rugby Organization) Silver Division of MARC consists of 6 NSCRO teams that formerly competed in the EPRU.

The ̽»¨ÉçÇø Rugby Club is always accepting new members and no experience is necessary to play. Come be part of the fastest growing sport in the country!

Club email: videoclub@moravian.edu

The Video Game club gathers weekly to participate in recreational video gaming and internal competition. The group plays a wide variety of games to meet the interests of all members. 

Cultural / Languages

Club email:
Social Media Handle:

Description coming soon.

Club email: asianstudentunion@moravian.edu
Social Media Handle: @moravianasu on Instagram 

Description coming soon.

BSU exec board members at black lives matter march event

Club email: bsu@moravian.edu
Social Media Handle: @moravianbsu on Instagram 

The Black Student Union provides a social and cultural alternative, a conducive atmosphere for academic achievements and intellectual growth, and to enrich the entirety of ̽»¨ÉçÇø concerning the Black cultural experience. The group fosters ideals of high scholastic achievement, intellectual stimulation, and encourages the provision of social surroundings which will supplement the college activities of its members.

french club zoom photo

Club email: frenchclub@moravian.edu
Social Media Handle: @clubdefrancaismu on Instagram 

Promote enthusiasm about French and Francophone culture to those interested in learning more and to give an opportunity to practice French in a laid-back environment. 

Club email:  fronation@moravian.edu

The mission of FroNation is to facilitate an environment where all hair types can be appreciated and loved so that people will never be ashamed to wear their natural hair, and so they know that other students on campus have their back.


Club email: germanclub@moravian.edu

The German Club enables students interested in German language and culture to learn about and participate in German-themed events and activities. The Club sponsors campus-wide films and events, a weekly Kaffeeklatsch at the HUB, a monthly Stammtisch (dinner) at a local restaurant, and annual trips to places like New York, Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia. All interested students (whether German majors/minors or not) are encouraged to join!

Club email: intlclub@moravian.edu

The International Club aims to promote awareness in international cultures. The International Club hopes to foster a friendly exchange of cultural ideas, practices, and traditions between students, staff, faculty, administrators, and members of the local community on the various cultures they represent. To provide a common ground of understanding between individuals of various ethnic origins at ̽»¨ÉçÇø, through social, cultural, and educational activities. Members of the International Club will develop deeper understanding of international concerns, while fostering education and awareness programs about global perspectives at the college and in the community. Conversely, the International Club will assist international students in gaining a better understanding of American culture and adjusting to life in the ̽»¨ÉçÇø community.

Club email: lsu@moravian.edu
Social Media Handle: @Isuhounds on Instagram 

The Latino Student Union (LSU) serves as a resource mechanism to foster the social, political, cultural and intellectual development of Latino Students at ̽»¨ÉçÇø. LSU works to unite, educate, and empower Latino students through the celebration of culture and promotion of positivity, mentorship, purpose and awareness in all that we do. LSU strengthens the Latino Student body at ̽»¨ÉçÇø and seeks to engage all students that are dedicated to the above stated mission.

Club email: 

The Middle Eastern Club strengthens the unity of the Middle Eastern community on campus. The club serves to facilitate discussions and better educate other on the Middle Eastern culture to create a better campus environment.

Club email: ssc@moravian.edu

The purpose of the Saudi Students’ Club (SSC) is to build a cultural bridge between the Saudi student population at ̽»¨ÉçÇø and the campus as well as the Lehigh Valley community. The club is for Saudi students and non-Saudi students at ̽»¨ÉçÇø; however, we consider people from all over the world to be members of the club. SSC members hope to create positive and meaningful exchanges between different community members through organizing, promoting, and supporting cultural and social activities every semester. One important goal of the SSC is to raise awareness of the ̽»¨ÉçÇø community about our unique Saudi Culture.


Club email: spanishclub@moravian.edu

Spanish Club hosts numerous activities over the academic year that promote leadership, cooperation, and friendship through appreciation of Spanish and Latin American heritage, language, customs, art, music, and film. Activities include parties at the beginning and end of the year, food events like "Make Your Own Taco Night," and trips to Spanish or Latin American restaurants. Spanish club co-sponsors International Poetry night with other foreign language clubs as well as Spanish Table (Mesa de Español) with the Spanish department.

Health Sciences

Medlife logo

Club email: medlife@moravian.edu

Our mission is to build a worldwide movement empowering the poor in their fight for equal access to healthcare, education, and a safe home. 

pre-health club logo

Club email: prehealthclub@moravian
Social Media Handle: @moravianprehealth on Instagram 

The Pre-Health Professions Club informs those students interested in pursuing a career in the health professions with the following information: time line for their applications, choosing a health professions school or graduate program, financial assistance, careers in the health professions and other related topics. Furthermore, students in the club actively participate in community service events both on the campus and in the community.

public health club members at club fair

Club email: publichealthclub@moravian
Social Media Handle: @moravian_phc on Instagram 

The ̽»¨ÉçÇø Public Health Club provides students with opportunities to engage in health promotion through on campus activities and community service. The club aims to provide students with knowledge of current events in public health, professional development skills and resources, and experience serving the community. The public health club welcomes students of all majors to participate.

Club email: studentnursesassociation@moravian.edu

The Student Nurses Association is a professional organization that strives for health promotion, community service, and building a solid nursing community on the ̽»¨ÉçÇø Campus. SNA provides numerous opportunities for growth and leadership through our multitude of community service hours, the mentorship program, and sending members to the national and state nurses association's conventions. Some of our community service events include a Halloween party and clothing drive for New Bethany Ministries, March of Dimes, Relay for Life, Easter egg hunt, Miracle League special needs baseball team, and many more. ̽»¨ÉçÇø Student Nurses Association ultimately provides the nursing student with a magnitude of opportunities to grow as students and leaders.

Literature & Campus Communications

2020 yearbook cover

Club email: benigna@moravian.edu
Social Media Handle: @moravianstudentengagement on Instagram 

The Benigna Staff works diligently each year to design the University yearbook. Students interested in journalism, photography, and design are encouraged to join. New members are always welcome.

Comenian zoom club photo

Club email: comenian@moravian.edu
Social Media Handle: @thecomenian on Instagram 

The Comenian is the student newspaper and is produced by the student editorial staff and staff writers. It offers the students a valuable experience in news writing, copy editing, layout, design and photography.

Club email: moravianmanuscript@gmail.com
Social Media Handle: @themanuscript_mu on Instagram 

The Manuscript is the literary magazine on campus. All students are invited to submit the following types of work for review by the editorial board: personal essays, poetry, short stories, photography, drawing, painting, graphic design and music compositions (MP3s and/or lyrics).


Club email: 

MoCo Radio is ̽»¨ÉçÇø’s radio station and the voice of ̽»¨ÉçÇø. Our purpose is to maintain a means of communication on the campus; to inform, as well as entertain the student body; to enable students to learn the operations of a radio station; and to give students hands-on experience in communication skills.

Club email: zls@moravian.edu
Social Media Handle: @moravianzls on Instagram 

The Zinzendorf Society creates experiences in writing and literature for the campus community, sponsors creative-writing workshops and poetry readings, and field trips of literary interest to area festivals and museums.

Religious Life Organizations

Club email: 

To lead all athletes and coaches into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Club email: moravianhillel@moravian.edu

The Hillel Society provides a Jewish community within ̽»¨ÉçÇø, and shares Jewish heritage and traditions with the ̽»¨ÉçÇø community. ̽»¨ÉçÇø’s Hillel has a partnership with B’rith Sholom synagogue in Bethlehem, whose rabbi, Rabbi Allen Juda, serves as the University’s Jewish Chaplain. All are welcome to join in the celebration of Jewish holidays, and to attend Hillel events as they occur throughout the year.

Club email: 
Social Media Handle: @muspiritualfellowship on Instagram 

The ̽»¨ÉçÇø Christian Fellowship is an interdenominational group that gathers for spiritual formation opportunities, worship, and fellowship. Small groups of students (Trilogy Groups) meet weekly in the residence halls for Bible exploration and faith renewal. MUCF has a special-interest house on campus for fellowship and programming.

Club email: 

Student Christian Community is a group open to everyone at ̽»¨ÉçÇø. We are affiliated with Reformed University Fellowship, the college ministry arm of the Presbyterian Church in America. Our desire is for both the believer and the skeptic to say of our community, "Where have I ever been loved like this?" We are not there yet, but that is what we are working towards.

Service Organizations

Advisor: Kristina Scesa

America Reads is a federal work study approved program of academic tutoring. College students are placed in local elementary schools and community organizations to enhance their after school enrichment programs.

This is a regular commitment, scheduled one or more days a week. Transportation is not provided, although carpools may be arranged and some programs are located within walking distance of the college. Current criminal and child abuse clearances are required.

Applications and clearance forms are available in the Center for Career and Civic Engagement.

Students shoveling dirt on trip

Club email:  hfh@moravian.edu
Social Media Handle: @mocohabitat on Instagram 

Habitat for Humanity The College Chapter of Habitat for Humanity is open to all students interested in opportunities to build Habitat homes locally and/or away from campus during spring break. Fundraising for Habitat and awareness and advocacy related to affordable housing issues are also important functions of this service organization.

richard Buffone

Club email:  eco@moravian.edu
Social Media Handle: @moravianeco on Instagram 

The Environmental Coalition recognizes that "sustainability" is multifaceted-- it means living in a way that protects and enriches the environment and your community and also contributes to a stable economy. ECO seeks to make students aware of the most pressing sustainability issues and through programming empower them to make change.

GSS group photo

Club email: 

The purpose of our sorority is "to assemble college and university students in the spirit of service to humanity and to develop friendship among students of all races and creeds."* Our sorority, which is open to all ̽»¨ÉçÇø men and women, strives to serve the college, local, and global communities. Through both service and social events, we develop life-long friendships among our tight-knit group of sisters and brothers. In addition to these opportunities, the sorority also offers many leadership opportunities.


Club email:  

Club description coming soon…

Social Justice

AAUW logo

Club email:  aauw@moravian.edu
Social Media Handle: @aauwmoravian on Instagram

The ̽»¨ÉçÇø AAUW Student Affiliate Group was established for the purposes of educating the ̽»¨ÉçÇø and Bethlehem communities on women's issues, providing resources for community women in matters of education, leadership, safety, equality, and diversity, providing opportunities for growth and development to community women, and connecting community women with a profound responsibility to advocate for equality to protect future generations of women. We openly admit students to our membership and do not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, creed, national origin, or sexual orientation.

Club email:

The American Cancer Society Colleges Against Cancer is a nationwide partnership of college students, staff, and faculty dedicated to raising awareness by supporting programs instilled by the American Cancer Society. Each Spring Colleges Against Cancer hosts their Annual Relay for Life event.

Club email: 

The representatives of Hounds Against Sexual Assault (HASA) set the mission in order to: Dispel myths about sexual violence on college campuses; inform the greater college community about services that are provided in cases of sexual violence or discrimination; help students comprehend consent. 

Club email: 

Description coming soon.


Club email: 

Description coming soon.

spectrum club logo

Club email:  spectrum@moravian.edu​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹
Social Media Handle: @moravianspectrum on Instagram

Spectrum strives to ensure that people of all sexual orientations and gender identities feel heard, valued and respected while creating a community at ̽»¨ÉçÇø where all people feel safe and encouraged to express their authentic selves. Spectrum aims to educate the community on LGBTQ+ issues and engage in outreach and activism within the community.

woke coalition’s logo

Club email:  woco@moravian.edu

Description coming soon.

Social Sciences

Club email:  historyclub@moravian.edu

The History Club is for all students, not just history majors or minors, interested in the uses and facets of history and the historian’s craft. The club sponsors luncheons, lectures, movies, trips, and displays around campus.

Club email: 

Description coming soon.

Phi Alpha Delta members at club fair

Club email: 

Description coming soon.

The Philosophy Club meets weekly throughout fall and spring semesters to explore different philosophical issues and topics in a friendly academic environment. Weekly paper presentations and directed discussions encourage students and faculty to develop their own ideas about the world around them and how philosophy can be applied to their lives. Additionally, the club hosts the Lehigh Valley Undergraduate Philosophy Conference as part of their effort to show the community the benefits of philosophy beyond the Ivory Tower. Above all, the Philosophy Club’s purpose is to show people that philosophy is not just an aloof and prudish discipline but an engaging aspect of intellectual culture in everyday life.

Club email:  prelawsociologyclub@moravian.edu

The Pre-Law and Sociology club promotes law, sociology, and social justice interests and awareness among the student body. The group works to provide educational opportunities to members as well as supplement course content for students with interests in these career fields. We also provide connections to sociologists, lawyers, and professions involving social and criminal justice. 

Club email:  psychologyclub@moravian.edu​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹
Social Media Handle: @mu_psychologyclub on Instagram

Description coming soon.

Undergrad Research Club logo

Club email:  urclub@moravian.edu​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹
Social Media Handle: @urc_mu on Instagram

We aim to unite students of all disciplines to come together in order to share their research experiences and learn more about undergraduate research opportunities at ̽»¨ÉçÇø.

Sciences & Mathematics

Club email:  acs@moravian.edu​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹
Social Media Handle: @ moravian.acs on Instagram

The American Chemical Society is the student affiliate of the national society. The organization is responsible for arranging both guest and student lectures on campus, providing weekly peer tutoring, and organizing visits to local chemical industries in the surrounding region. Strong involvement with the local Lehigh Valley ACS section is encouraged to aid undergraduates in networking and other professional skills.

Club email:  brainclub@moravian.edu

BRAIN is an initiative for raising awareness about neurological issues, creating an understanding in neuroscience topics, participating in educational neuroscience initiatives for children, as well as engaging in interesting activities that promote the brain and neuroscience in general. Welcome to all students of all majors, especially those interested in neuroscience and psychology.

Description coming soon.

computing club logo

Club email:  mc3@moravian.edu

The mission of the MU3 is to create a close-knit, productive, and educational
group of Computer Science majors, minors, and instructors, as well as those interested in coding, computers or topics relating to computing machinery.

Math Society members at club fair

Club email:  mathsociety@moravian.edu

The ̽»¨ÉçÇø Mathematical Society is the student chapter of the Mathematical Association of America. Activities enrich the mathematical experience at ̽»¨ÉçÇø, provide information on careers in mathematics, and build community among students with lectures by guest speakers, presentations by students and faculty, problem contests, games, and trips. Open to all students with an interest in mathematics.

Description coming soon.

Society of physic students club photo

Club email:  sps@moravian.edu​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹
Social Media Handle: @moraviansps on Instagram

The Society of Physics Students at ̽»¨ÉçÇø strives to promote an interest in the physical sciences by engaging the student body of ̽»¨ÉçÇø, as well as the local community. SPS sponsors Pizza Lectures, Keynote Speakers, and their annual Science Day outreach for high school students interested in mathematics and science. Members of SPS receive a subscription to Physics Today, and are eligible to be inducted into the National Physics Honor Society, Sigma Pi Sigma.

Club email:  wiseemaillist@moravian.edu

WISE promotes and provides opportunities in the STEM field for women. Every year our club hosts an event called Science Day for Girl Scouts where troops from the Lehigh Valley come and participate in a variety of science related activities in order to instill a love of science among young women. Anyone who is interested in promoting women in the STEM field is welcome to join!

Greek Life

Want to go Greek? You can join one of four fraternities and four sororities here on campus. Click here to learn more about Greek Life at ̽»¨ÉçÇø.

Honor Societies

View a list of honor societies at ̽»¨ÉçÇø.