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NCUR Travel Grants

Application Format

  1. Application length is limited to two single-spaced pages.
  2. In the heading of the application include:
    • The title of the project.
    • The names and graduation year of all students on the project.
    • The name, rank, and department of the faculty mentor sponsoring the project.
  3. Begin with an abstract for the project, limited to 450 words. If accepted for funding, this abstract will be submitted to NCUR. The audience for the abstract is NCUR.
  4. Provide a succinct and non-technical description of the project and a list of the outcomes or results. The audience for the application is the SOAR committee, made up of inter-disciplinary faculty.
  5. Describe the previous opportunities each student on the project had to present this or other scholarly research.

The committee acknowledges that honors projects and others scholarly endeavors that begin in the fall semester will have limited results by the due date of this application. In these cases the application should describe the anticipated results for the project.

Because of the small number of grants available, cost sharing is encouraged on applications with multiple students.