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SHARE Team logo has the acronym SHARE in blue letters with a ̽»¨ÉçÇø star to its left. Underneath, in darker blue, the words "̽»¨ÉçÇø Support Help and Referral"

(Support Help and Referral)

̽»¨ÉçÇø has established the SHARE process to engage the entire community in attending to the wellness of each individual member and the community as a whole. This includes supporting students and employees who are experiencing financial need, food or housing insecurity, and mental or physical health concerns.

Two teams have been established, one focussing on meeting employee needs and the other on meeting student needs. Each team meets weekly to review information received and actions taken to ensure that the best available resources are deployed to support members of the community. The teams endeavor to address concerns early and often to avoid the need to respond to more serious concerns.

Members of the community should also report situations in which community members are displaying behaviors that are concerning, disruptive, or threatening in nature and that may inhibit their own or others’ ability to engage successfully or safely in the campus community.

It is the responsibility of faculty, staff, and students to immediately report any situation that could possibly result in harm to anyone at the University. Any member of the campus community may become aware of a concern or situation that is causing serious anxiety, stress, or fear and should report this using the SHARE form.

It should be noted that crises, defined as situations in which a person may pose an active or immediate risk of violence to self or others, should be reported immediately by calling Campus Police at 610-861-1421 before completing the SHARE form.

Threat Assessment

A campus threat assessment process is designed to identify and disrupt any behavior that may be threatening or intimidating or that may indicate a pathway to violence that could impact the campus community or any of its members. This includes perceived or actual threats by or to any member of the ̽»¨ÉçÇø community or the institution itself.

The Threat Assessment Team (the "Team") was created to provide oversight and to ensure that a consistent and objective process is in place for all threats of harm to self or others, or to the community in general, made by students, faculty, or staff as well as by visitors and non-community members.

The Team meets weekly and/or on an as needed basis to review, assess, monitor and respond to incidents and reports. The Team is trained on the use of objective screening and assesment tools and procedures. The results of these assessments guide the Team in its decision-making regarding appropriate next steps to monitor and manage each situation. The Team provides the results of their assessments and their recommendations to other departments and functions on campus, as appropriate and in accordance with applicable privacy laws and policies.

Report a concern