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Fire Safety

At ̽»¨ÉçÇø, fire safety is a campus wide priority, and we benefit from a strong partnership with the Bethlehem Fire Department.

Some years ago, the City of Bethlehem adopted a fire code which requires a fire department response to every fire alarm received by campus police, including those in all residential, academic and office buildings. 

All members of the University community are reminded of the critical importance of following all requests made by fire personnel, including vacating buildings quickly.  When a fire alarm sounds, all occupants must evacuate the building immediately via the nearest exit.  Reentry may be authorized only by Campus Police or the Fire Department.

Our student affairs residential services staff members as well as Campus Police will work closely with students to improve fire safety and help to try and reduce the total number of alarms. The most common alarms that the police and/or fire department responded on campus are triggered by non-fire situations such as smoke from cooking or bath/shower exhaust in residence halls.

No Parking/Fire Zones have been clearly marked for your safety and are strictly enforced to ensure that all emergency vehicles will be able to reach their destinations quickly and safely. Dorm Circle, Townhouse and Beck-Deschweinitz drives and the access road from Laurel Street that runs behind Bernhardt/Wilhelm are monitored, and violations will result in fines and possible towing.

We must stress that the Bethlehem Fire Department takes the job of life safety very seriously and that false alarms put lives at risk.  Any citations the Bethlehem Fire Department or Campus Police see fit to serve due to any type of life safety infraction covered by city or state laws may result in fines in addition to any fines or sanctions levied by the University.

We are committed to the safety and well being of the ̽»¨ÉçÇø community.  Fire drills are conducted in all residence halls, fraternities, and sororities with the commencing of classes each school term. Random drills are conducted in other campus buildings throughout the year. Evacuation routes and fire extinguishers are located in all University-owned buildings, with fire alarm pull stations and exits signs that are in plain view for visitors, guests, and University personnel.