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County College of Morris - Course Equivalencies

County College of Morris 

Course Equivalencies

NOTE: “Special Studies courses” will be evaluated for transfer on a case-by-case basis. To be eligible for transfer to ̽ (either for day or evening division), courses must be taken for a letter grade, earning a grade of C (not C-) or better. Pass/no credit courses are not available for transfer. Students may also discuss proficiency exams, portfolio reviews, and other credit-by-examination procedures with their ̽ admissions counselor or divisional dean.

In all programs, majors, and minors, at least half of the course work must be completed for a letter grade at ̽.

Course Code
Course Name
Course Code
Course Name
Course Value
in Credits
Meets LinC Guideline
ACC111Principles of Accounting I: Financial AccountingACCTELECTAccounting Elective3 
ACC112Principles of Accounting II: Managerial AccountingACCT157Financial Accounting3 
ART114Contemporary ArtART228Contemporary Art3 
ART116American ArtARTELECTArt Elective3M6
ART122Drawing I ART170Drawing I3M6
ART123Drawing II ART270Drawing II3 
ART124Figure Drawing ARTELECTArt Elective3 
ART130Two Dimensional Design ART142Visual Foundations: Composition, Color and Design3M6        
ART131Color Theory ARTELECTArt Elective3 
ART132Three Dimensional Design ART159Design: Three Dimensional3M6
ART133Art History IART113Art History Survey: Caves to Cathedrals3M6
ART134Art History IIART114Art History Survey: Renaissance to Abstraction3M6
ART219Painting I ART180Painting I3M6
ART220Painting II ART280Painting II3 
ART228Sculpture I ARTELECTArt Elective3M6
ART229Sculpture II ARTELECTArt Elective3 
ART230Portfolio and Presentation ARTELECTArt Elective3 
ART233Independent Study IARTELECTArt Elective1- 3 
ART234Independent Study IIARTELECTArt Elective1-3 
ART237Watercolor PaintingARTELECTArt Elective3 
ART241Ceramics I ART160Ceramics3 
ART242Ceramics II  ARTELECTArt Elective3 
ART291 & ART292Special Topics in ArtARTELECTArt Elective3 
BIO101Anatomy and Physiology IBIOL103Human Anatomy and Physiology I4F4
BIO102Anatomy and Physiology IIBIOL104Human Anatomy and Physiology II4 
BIO118Biomedical EthicsNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
BIO121General Biology IBIOLELECTBiology Elective4F4
BIO122General Biology IIBIOL111Foundations of Biology4 
BIO127Biology of Environmental ConcernsENVR112Environmental Science4F4
BIO132Concepts in BiologyBIOLELECTBiology Elective4F4
BIO133Human BiologyNMELECTNon-Major Elective4F4
BIO180General Biology I – HonorsBIOLELECTBiology Elective4F4
BIO181General Biology II – HonorsBIOL111Foundations of Biology4 
BIO233Independent Study in BiologyBIOLELECTBiology Elective3 
BIO274PathophysiologyBIOL205 or NURS205Pathophysiology3 
BIO295Special Topics in BiologyBIOLELECTBiology Elective4 
BUS112Introduction to BusinessMGMTELECTManagement Elective3 
BUS119Business Information Systems and ApplicationsMGMT211.2Applied Information Management3 
BUS135Introduction to International BusinessMGMTELECTManagement Elective3 
BUS136Personal FinanceECONELECTManagement Elective3 
BUS201Human Relations in BusinessBUS253Human Resource Management3 
BUS211Money and BankingECON320Money, Banking and Financial Policy3 
BUS212Principles of FinanceMGMTELECTManagement Elective3 
BUS213Business Law IMGMTELECTManagement Elective3 
BUS215Principles of ManagementMGMTELECTManagement Elective3 
BUS218*Investment PrinciplesFIN341Investment and Portfolio Theory 3 
                                              *Does not fulfill the writing intensive requirement
BUS219Small Business OperationsMGMTELECTManagement Elective3 
BUS224Cooperative Work Experience – BusinessMGMT288Internship3 
BUS225Cooperative Work Experience – Business – Related ClassMGMT386Internship1 
BUS240Small Business Planning and FinanceMGMTELECTManagement Elective3 
BUS242Customers RelationsMGMTELECTManagement Elective3 
*Grade of B or better required for transfer to Chemistry or Biochemistry Major.*
CHM105Forensic ScienceNMELECTNon-Major Elective4F4
CHM117 & CHM118Introductory ChemistryCHEM108Fundamentals of Chemistry4F4
CHM125 & CHM126General Chemistry I (with lab)CHEM113General Chemistry I4F4
CHM127 & CHM128General Chemistry II (with lab)CHEM114General Chemistry II4 
CHM210Essentials of Organic ChemistryNMELECTNon-Major Elective4 
CHM212Biochemistry Consult with department4 
CHM231 & CHM232Organic Chemistry I – Lecture + LabCHEM211Organic Chemistry4 
CHM233 &CHM234Organic Chemistry II – Lecture + LabCHEM212Organic Chemistry4 
CHM235Independent Study in ChemistryCHEM286Independent Study3 
CHM295Special Topics in ChemistryCHEMELECTChemistry Elective4 
CHM296Special Topics in ChemistryCHEMELECTChemistry Elective3 
COM101Introduction to CommunicationNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
COM103Introduction to Public RelationsNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
COM104Interpersonal CommunicationsNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
COM111Introduction to Journalism ENGL 312News and Feature Writing3 
COM112Advanced Journalism ENGLELECTEnglish Elective3 
COM115Introduction to Mass MediaNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
COM120Broadcast JournalismNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
COM209Editing and Publication DesignNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
COM230Communications InternshipNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
COM234Introduction to FilmNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
COM291 & COM292Special Topics in CommunicationsNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
CMP108Game Design Concepts Consult with Department3 
CMP120Foundations of Information Security Consult with Department3 
CMP124Network Security Consult with Department3 
CMP125Information Security Management Consult with Department3 
CMP126Computer Technology and ApplicationsCSCI105Fundamentals of Computer Science4F2
CMP128Computer Science ICSCI120Computer Science 13F4
CMP129Computer Science IICSCI121Computer Science 23 
CMP150Game Programming Consult with Department3 
CMP200Computer Operating Systems and Utilities Consult with Department3 
CMP230Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Consult with Department3 
CMP233Data Structures and AlgorithmsCSCI244Data Structures3 
CMP239The Internet and Web Page Design Consult with Department3 
CMP241Database Programming (SQL) Consult with Department3 
CMP243Ethical Hacking and Systems Defense Consult with Department3 
CMP244Web Design II Consult with Department3 
CMP250Game Production Consult with Department3 
CMP290Independent Study in Information Technologies Consult with Department3 
CMP291Special Topics in Information Technologies Consult with Department3 
CMP292Special Topics in Information Technologies Consult with Department3 
CMP293Special Topics II in Information Technologies Consult with Department1 
CJS116Introduction to CriminologySOCELECTSociology Elective3 
CJS120Jurisprudence: The Philosophy of LawSOCELECTSociology Elective3 
CJS121Criminal Justice SystemSOC216The Legal System3 
CJS122Classics of CriminologySOCELECTSociology Elective3 
CJS131Introduction to CorrectionsSOC270Corrections in America3 
CJS214Juvenile Delinquency SOC245Juvenile Delinquency3 
CJS215Investigative FunctionNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
CJS291 & CJS292Special Topics in Criminal JusticeSOCELECTSociology Elective3 
*Students may transfer up to 1 unit of elective credit to ̽ for courses taken in this area.
DAN111Introduction to DanceNMELECTNon-Major Elective1 
DAN112Dance AppreciationNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
DAN117Introduction to BalletNMELECTNon-Major Elective1 
DAN125Jazz INMELECTNon-Major Elective1 
DAN126Jazz IINMELECTNon-Major Elective1 
DAN130Tap Dance INMELECTNon-Major Elective1 
DAN134Dance HistoryNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
DAN135Dance Theatre Workshop INMELECTNon-Major Elective1 
DAN136Dance Theatre Workshop IINMELECTNon-Major Elective1 
DAN137Ballet INMELECTNon-Major Elective2 
DAN138Ballet IINMELECTNon-Major Elective2 
DAN141Modern Dance INMELECTNon-Major Elective2 
DAN142Modern Dance IINMELECTNon-Major Elective2 
DAN146Dance for Musical TheatreNMELECTNon-Major Elective1 
DAN211Intermediate BalletNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
DAN212Advanced BalletNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
DAN216Intermediate Modern DanceNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
DAN217Advanced Modern DanceNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
DAN220Dance Theatre Workshop IIINMELECTNon-Major Elective1 
DAN222Dance Theatre Workshop IVNMELECTNon-Major Elective1 
DAN224Choreography INMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
DAN226Choreography IINMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
DAN230Dance InternshipNMELECTNon-Major Elective2 
DRA110Acting I NMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
DRA112Acting II NMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
DRA229Directing NMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
CDC110Early Childhood DevelopmentEDUC210Child Development and Cognition I: Pre-natal to Five3 
ECO120Economics and Economic IssuesECONELECTEconomics Elective3 
ECO211Principles of Economics I: MacroeconomicsECONELECTEconomics Elective3 
ECO212Principles of Economics II: MicroeconomicsECONELECTEconomics Elective3 
ECON211 & 212Principles of Economics I & IIECON152Principles of Economics6M4
EDU111Teaching in AmericaEDUC160Culture, Community, and Diversity: Introduction to Critical Teaching3M3
EDU211Behavior Observation in EducationEDUCELECTEducation Elective3 
ELT115Active Circuit ComponentsPHYS221Linear Electronics3 
ELT201Electricity and ElectronicsPHYS221Linear Electronics4 
ELT213Active Circuit DesignPHYS221Linear Electronics4 
ELT291 & ELT292Special Topics in Electronics Engineering TechnologyNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
ENR224Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics)PHYS331Mechanics3 
ENR291 & ENR292Special Topics in EngineeringNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
ENG111English Composition IWRIT100College Writing3F1
ENG112English Composition IIENGLELECTEnglish Elective3M2
ENG113Creative WritingENGL212Introduction to Creative Writing3M6
ENG114Advanced Creative WritingENGL212Introduction to Creative Writing3M6
ENG115The Short StoryNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
ENG116The NovelNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
ENG118Children’s LiteratureENGLELECTEnglish Elective3 
ENG119Introduction to PoetryENGL320The Art of Poetry3 
ENG121Introduction to LinguisticsENGL221The English Language3 
ENG123Introduction to Linguistics – HonorsENGL221The English Language3 
ENG131English Composition I – HonorsWRIT100College Writing3F1
ENG132English Composition II – HonorsENGELECTEnglish Elective3M2
ENG214Women in FilmNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
ENG224Women in LiteratureENGLELECTEnglish Elective3M2
ENG233History of the Theatre IENGLELECTEnglish Elective3 
ENG234History of the Theatre IIENGLELECTEnglish Elective3 
ENG243World Literacy Traditions: Beginnings to 1650ENGLELECTEnglish Elective3 
ENG244World Literacy Traditions: 1650 to PresentENGLELECTEnglish Elective3 
ENG246English Classics from “Beowulf” to “Paradise Lost”: A Survey of Drama, Romances and EpicsENGLELECTEnglish Elective3 
ENG247Romantics, Victorians and Moderns – Major British Writers of the 19th and 20th CenturiesENGLELECTEnglish Elective3 
ENG249American Literature from the Colonial to the Civil WarENGLELECTEnglish Elective3M2
ENG250American Literature from the Civil War to the Twentieth CenturyENGLELECTEnglish Elective3M2
ENG283World Literary Traditions: Beginnings to 1650 – HonorsENGLELECTEnglish Elective3 
ENG284World Literary Traditions: 1650 to Present – HonorsENGLELECTEnglish Elective3 
Portfolio review required for transfer of graphic design courses into the art major (all tracks).
GRD110History of Graphic DesignART331Graphic Design: History and Practice3 
GRD118Typography IART230Typography and Information Design3 
GRD120Graphic Design IART231Publication Design3 
GRD215Commercial IllustrationARTELECTArt Elective3 
GRD218Typography IIARTELECTArt Elective3 
GRD220Graphic Design IIARTELECTArt Elective3 
GRD227Portfolio ProjectART374Portfolio Seminar3 
GRD229Cooperative Work Experience Related ClassART288Internship1 
GRD232Graphic Design Internship/Cooperative Work ExperienceART373Design Internship3 
GRD240Computer Assisted Page and Cover DesignARTELECTArt Elective3 
GRD250Brochure and Magazine DesignARTELECTArt Elective3 
GRD255Advertising DesignARTELECTArt Elective3 
GRD291 & GRD292Special Topics in Graphic DesignARTELECTArt Elective3 
*Students may transfer up to 1 unit of elective credit to ̽ for courses taken in this area. (excluding HES 111, 211, 212, & 213)
HES111Introduction to Exercise ScienceNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
HES125Stretching & StrengtheningNMELECTNon-Major Elective1 
HES126Personal FitnessNMELECTNon-Major Elective1 
HES127Weight TrainingNMELECTNon-Major Elective1 
HES128YogaNMELECTNon-Major Elective1 
HES182Golf INMELECTNon-Major Elective1 
HES186BadmintonNMELECTNon-Major Elective1 
HES187VolleyballNMELECTNon-Major Elective1 
HES211KinesiologyNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
HES212Exercise PhysiologyNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
HES213Exercise Measurement and PrescriptionNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
HES291 & HES292Special Topics in Exercise ScienceNMELECTNon-Major Elective1 
HED112Drugs, Society and Human BehaviorNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
HED115Personal and Family NutritionNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
HED128Lifetime WellnessNMELECTNon-Major Elective2 
HED286Personal Health and WellnessNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
HED295First Aid and Emergency CarePHED241First Aid and CPR3 
HIS113Early Modern EuropeHISTELECTHistory Elective3M1
HIS114Modern EuropeHIST112Europe in Global Context3M1
HIS117The Ancient World – Greece and RomeHISTELECTHistory Elective3M1
HIS118The Middle AgesHIST140Medieval Europe3M1
HIS122History of RussiaHISTELECTHistory Elective3M1
HIS123History of Modern AfricaHIST126African Civilizations3M5
HIS147History of Modern East AsiaHISTELECTHistory Elective3M5
HIS148Modern Middle EastHISTELECTHistory Elective3M5
HIS149History of New JerseyNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
HIS151Latin American HistoryHIST12819th and 20th-Century Latin America3M5
HIS160History of Colonial and Revolutionary AmericaHIST113The United States to 18773M1
HIS164Civil War and ReconstructionHISTELECTHistory Elective3 
HIS166Emergence of America – U.S. History IHIST113The United States to 18773M1
HIS167Twentieth Century American History – U.S. History IIHIST114The United States since 18653M1
HIS181The Middle Ages - HonorsHIST140Medieval Europe3M1
HIS183Modern Social Thought – HonorsNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
HIS184Early Modern Europe – HonorsHISTELECTHistory Elective3M1
HIS185Modern Europe – HonorsHIST112Europe in Global Context3M1
HIS203History of Minorities in U.S.HISTELECTHistory Elective3 
HIS204History of the African-American ExperienceHISTELECTHistory Elective3 
HIS209History of the American WomenHISTELECTHistory Elective3 
HIS247History of the American City and SuburbHISTELECTHistory Elective3 
HIS291 & HIS292Special Topics in HistoryHISTELECTHistory Elective3 
HMS215Introduction to Social Welfare and Human ServicesSOC210The Human Service System3 
HMS216Human Needs and Social ServicesSOC210The Human Service System3 
ISA110Intercultural CommunicationNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
ISA215A Survey of IslamREL125Introduction to Islam3M3
ARA111Elementary Arabic IARAB100Introductory Arabic I3F3
ARA112Elementary Arabic IIARAB105Introductory Arabic II3F3
ARA211Intermediate Arabic IARAB110Introductory Arabic III3F3
CHI111Elementary Chinese IFL100Non-Major Elective3F3
CHI112Elementary Chinese IIFL105Non-Major Elective3F3
CHI211Intermediate Chinese IFL110Non-Major Elective3F3
CHI212Intermediate Chinese IIFORLELECTNon-Major Elective3F3
CHI291Special Topics in Chinese IFORLELECTNon-Major Elective3 
CHI292Special Topics in Chinese IIFORLELECTNon-Major Elective3 
FRE111Elementary French IFREN100Introductory French I3F3
FRE112Elementary French IIFREN105Introductory French II3F3
FRE211Intermediate French IFREN110Introductory French III3F3
FRE212Intermediate French IIFREN210/215Multi-modal Francophone Texts: The Individual and Society/Nature, Leisure and Technology3 
FRE221French Conversation and Literature IFREN210/215Multi-modal Francophone Texts: The Individual and Society/Nature, Leisure and Technology3 
FRE222French Conversation and Literature IIFREN241Selected Prose Works in French3M2
FRE291 & FRE292Special Topics in FrenchFREN290,291Special Topic3 
GER111Elementary German IGERM100Introductory German I3F3
GER112Elementary German IIGERM105Introductory German II3F3
GER211Intermediate German IGERM110Introductory German III3F3
GER212Intermediate German IIGR210/215German Culture in Context: Art and Contemporary Culture/German Culture in Context: Literature and Film3 
GER221German Conversation and Literature IGR210/215German Culture in Context: Art and Contemporary Culture/German Culture in Context: Literature and Film3 
GER222German Conversation and Literature IIGR241Introduction to German Literature3M2
GER291 & GER292Special Topics in GermanGR290,291Special Topic3 
ITL111Elementary Italian IITAL100Introductory Italian I3F3
ITL112Elementary Italian IIITAL105Introductory Italian II3F3
ITL211Intermediate Italian IITAL110Introductory Italian III3F3
ITL212Intermediate Italian IIITALELECTItalian Elective3F3
ITL221Italian Conversation and Literature IITAL150Conversation and Contemporary Life3F3
ITL291 & ITL292Special Topics in ItalianITAL290Special Topic3 
JPN111Elementary Japanese IFL110Non-Major Elective3F3
JPN112Elementary Japanese IIFL105Non-Major Elective3F3
JPN211Intermediate Japanese IFL110Non-Major Elective3F3
JPN212Intermediate Japanese IIFORLELECTNon-Major Elective3 
LAT111Elementary Latin ILAT100Introductory Latin I3F3
LAT112Elementary Latin IILAT105Introductory Latin II3F3
RUS111Elementary Russian IFL100Non-Major Elective3F3
RUS112Elementary Russian IIFL105Non-Major Elective3F3
RUS211Intermediate Russian IFL110Non-Major Elective3F3
RUS212Intermediate Russian IIFORLELECTNon-Major Elective3 
SPN111Elementary Spanish ISPAN100Introductory Spanish I3F3
SPN112Elementary Spanish IISPAN105Introductory Spanish II3F3
SPN211Intermediate Spanish ISPAN110Introductory Spanish III3F3
SPN212Intermediate Spanish IISPAN120Intermediate Spanish - Spain: A Crossroads of Civilizations3F3
SPN218Advanced Spanish ConversationSPAN210/215Introduction to Hispanic Literatures and Cultures:  Islamic Spain to the Colonial Period/ Introduction to Hispanic Literatures and Cultures:  The Enlightenment to the Present in Latin America3 
SPN219Advanced Spanish CompositionSPAN210/215Introduction to Hispanic Literatures and Cultures:  Islamic Spain to the Colonial Period/ Introduction to Hispanic Literatures and Cultures:  The Enlightenment to the Present in Latin America3 
SPN220Spanish LiteratureSPAN241Introduction to Literature of Spain and Latin America3M2
SPN223Survey of Latin American Literature: Pre-Columbian to the PresentSPAN241Introduction to Literature of Spain and Latin America3M2
SPN291 & SPN292Special Topics in SpanishSPAN290,291Special Topic3 
MKT113Principles of Marketing IMGMTELECTManagement Elective3 
MKT114Principles of Marketing IIMGMT251Marketing Management3 
MAT113Applied CalculusNMELECTNon-Major Elective4 
MAT118Calculus with Application to Business and EconomicsMATH108Functions and Derivatives with Applications3F2
MAT124StatisticsMATH107Elementary Statistics3F2
MAT130Probability and StatisticsMATH107Elementary Statistics4F2
MAT131Analytic Geometry and Calculus IMATH170Analytic Geometry and Calculus I4F2
MAT132Analytic Geometry and Calculus IIMATH171Analytic Geometry and Calculus II4F2
MAT183Honors Probability & StatisticsMATH107Elementary Statistics3F2
MAT228Linear AlgebraMATH220Linear Algebra3 
MAT230Calculus IIIMATH211Analytic Geometry and Calculus III4 
MAT232Differential EquationsMATH212Discrete Mathematical Structures and Proof3 
MED110Multimedia INMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
MED113Multimedia IINMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
MED119Digital Media ProductionNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
MED213Multimedia Authoring and DesignNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
MED220AnimationNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
MED224Independent Study in MediaIDIS286Independent Study3 
MED228Cooperative Work Experience – Media StudiesIDIS288Internship3 
MED229Cooperative Work Experience – Media Studies Related ClassIDIS288Internship1 
MED230Media InternshipIDIS288Internship3 
MED240Advanced AnimationNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
MED291, MED292 & MED293Special Topic in Media StudiesIDIS 290, 291, 292Special Topic1-3 
Audition and/or portfolio review required for transfer of courses into the music major or minor.
MUS011Basic Musicianship IMUS140.2Musicianship I2 
MUS109Applied Music Secondary – Voice IMUS104.1Voice Class1 
MUS110Applied Music Secondary – Voice IIMUS104.1Voice Class1 
MUS209Applied Music Secondary - Voice IIIMUS104.1Voice Class1 
MUS210Applied Music Secondary – Voice IVMUS104.1Voice Class1 
MUS112Introduction to Electronic MusicMUSELECTMusic Elective3 
MUS114American MusicMUS117Music in the United States3M6
MUS117Music Theory IPortfolio Review/ Audition Required 3 
MUS118Music Theory IIPortfolio Review/ Audition Required 3 
MUS215Music Theory IIIPortfolio Review/ Audition Required 3 
MUS216Music Theory IVPortfolio Review/ Audition  Required 3 
MUS124Electronic Music IIMUSELECTMusic Elective3 
MUS125Applied Music Secondary - Piano IMUS103.1 (Non-Majors) or MUS136.1 (Majors)Piano Class (103.1) or Beginning Piano Techniques (136.1) (consult with department)1 
MUS126Applied Music Secondary – Piano IIMUS103.1 (Non-Majors) or MUS136.1 (Majors)Piano Class (103.1) or Beginning Piano Techniques (136.1) (consult with department)1 
MUS225Applied Music Secondary – Piano IIIMUS103.1 (Non-Majors) or MUS136.1 (Majors)Piano Class (103.1) or Beginning Piano Techniques (136.1) (consult with department)1 
MUS226Applied Music Secondary – Piano IVMUS103.1 (Non-Majors) or MUS136.1 (Majors)Piano Class (103.1) or Beginning Piano Techniques (136.1) (consult with department)1 
MUS129Music in Early ChildhoodNM ElectiveNon-Major Elective3 
MUS133Development of Musical TheatreMUS ElectiveMusic Elective3 
MUS135Applied Music Primary IAudition Required 1 
MUS136Applied Music Primary IIAudition Required 1 
MUS137Applied Music Primary IIIAudition Required 1 
MUS138Applied Music Primary IVAudition Required 1 
MUS143World Music & CultureMUS113 (Non Majors)Introduction to Non-Western Music3M6
MUS150Jazz History & StylesMUS115Jazz Artists and Eras3M6
MUS152Piano IMUS103.1Piano Class1 
MUS153Piano IIMUS103.1Piano Class1 
MUS154Piano IIIMUS100.1Performance Class1 
MUS155Piano IVMUS100.1Performance Class1 
MUS163Rock History and CultureMUSELECTMusic Elective3M6
MUS165Introduction to Music RecordingMUSELECTMusic Elective3 
MUS166Introduction to Music BusinessMUSELECTMusic Elective3 
MUS167Music Recording IIMUSELECTMusic Elective3 
MUS176Aural Comprehension IAudition/ Review Required 1 
MUS177Aural Comprehension IIAudition/ Review Required 1 
MUS178Aural Comprehension IIIAudition/ Review Required 1 
MUS179Aural Comprehension IVAudition/ Review Required 1 
MUS182Audio Production TechniquesMUSELECTMusic Elective1 
MUS184Musical Theatre Production and PerformanceMUSELECTMusic Elective3 
MUS214Form and AnalysisMUS340.2Form3 
MUS217Music History and Literature to 1750MUS281Western Music to 17503 
MUS218Music History and Literature From 1750MUS283Classical and Romantic Music3*Doesn’t fulfill the writing intensive requirement
MUS233Independent Study in MusicPortfolio RequiredSpecial Topic1 
MUS234Independent Study in MusicPortfolio RequiredSpecial Topic3 
MUS240Jazz GuitarMUS100.1Performance1 
MUS243Musical Theatre AuditionsMUSELECTMusic Elective3 
MUS244Independent Study in Electronic Music IMUSELECTMusic Elective1 
MUS245Independent Study in Electronic Music IIMUSELECTMusic Elective1 
MUS248Enjoyment of MusicMUS106Art of Music3M6
MUS249PracticumMUSELECTMusic Elective1 
MUS250Internship in Music RecordingMUSELECTMusic Elective1 
MUS253Independent Study in Music IIMUSELECTMusic Elective1 
MUS254Independent Study in Music IIIMUSC286Independent Study1 
MUS255Independent Study in Music IVMUSC286Independent Study1 
MUS258Contemporary Music 20th –  21st CenturyPortfolio Required for MUS352.2 & MUS 354.2 or MUSELECT 3 
MUS291 & MUS292Special Topics in MusicMUS291/292Special Topics3 
NUR224Nursing ColloquiumNURSELECTNursing Elective1 
PHL111Introduction to PhilosophyPHIL120Introduction to Philosophy3M3
PHL115LogicPHIL210Symbolic Logic3 
PHL180Introduction to Philosophy – HonorsPHIL120Introduction to Philosophy3M3
PHL211Philosophy of the PersonPHILELECTPhilosophy Elective3 
PHL212Philosophy and ReligionPHILELECTPhilosophy Elective3 
PHL221Philosophy of PlatoPHILELECTPhilosophy Elective3 
PHL280Ancient Philosophy – HonorsPHIL241Ancient Philosophy3M3
Portfolio review required for transfer into the art major or minor.
PHO113History of PhotographyART220History of Photography3 
PHO115Photography IART167Black & White Photography I3M6
PHO116Photography IIART267Black & White Photography 23 
PHO117Color Photography IARTELECTArt Elective3 
PHO119Contemporary PhotographyARTELECTArt Elective3 
PHO204Digital Imaging IARTELECTArt Elective3 
PHO213Documentary PhotographyARTELECTArt Elective3 
PHO216Studio Lighting IARTELECTArt Elective3 
PHO224Digital Imaging IIARTELECTArt Elective3 
PHO226Portfolio PreparationARTELECTArt Elective3 
PHO227Professional Studio PhotographyARTELECTArt Elective3 
PHO228Cooperative Work Experience PhotographyARTELECTArt Elective3 
PHO229Cooperative Work Experience Photography-Related ClassARTELECTArt Elective1 
PHO290Independent Study IART286Art Elective3 
PHO291Special Topics in PhotographyART290Special Topic3 
PHO292Special Topics in PhotographyART291Special Topic3 
PHO293Special Topics in PhotographyART292Special Topic3 
PHY111Technical Physics I + LabPHYS111Introductory Physics II4F4
PHY112Technical Physics II + LabPHYS112Introductory Physics II4 
PHY125 & PHY126General Physics I – Lecture +LabPHYS109Introductory Physics for Life Sciences4F4
PHY127 & PHY128General Physics II – Lecture + LabPHYS110Introductory Physics for Life Sciences4 
PHY130Engineering Physics I + LabPHYS111Introductory Physics4F4
PHY133 & PHY134Engineering Physics II + LabPHYS112Introductory Physics4 
POL111American GovernmentPOSC110The American Political System3M4
POL222Constitutional LawPOSC220American Constitutional Law3 
POL231State and Local GovernmentNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
POL240International PoliticsPOSC115Introduction to International Politics3M4
POL245Comparative GovernmentPOSC125Introduction to Comparative Politics3M5
POL270Civil Liberties – Basic Rights and FreedomPOSC221Civil Liberties and the US Constitution3 
POL291 & POL292Special Topics in Political SciencePOSCELECTPolitical Science Elective3 
PSY113General PsychologyPSYC120Introduction to Psychology3 
PSY116Psychology and Education of the DisabledPSYCELECTPsychology Elective3 
PSY117Health PsychologyPSYCELECTPsychology Elective3 
PSY180General Psychology – HonorsPSYC120Introduction to Psychology3 
PSY213Child PsychologyPSYCELECTPsychology Elective3 
PSY214Adolescent PsychologyPSYCELECTPsychology Elective3 
PSY217Educational PsychologyPSYCELECTPsychology Elective3 
PSY218Cross-Cultural PsychologyPSYCELECTPsychology Elective3 
PSY219Developmental Psychology – The Human LifespanPSYC207Lifespan Development3 
PSY221Psychology of PersonalityPSYC361Personality3 
PSY229Community Mental HealthPSYCELECTPsychology Elective3 
PSY290Independent Study in PsychologyPSYC286Independent Study3 
PSY291Special Topics in PsychologyPSYC290Special Topic3 
PSY292Abnormal Psychology – HonorsPSYC362Psychopathology3 
SCI106Introduction to AstronomyNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
SCI118General AstronomyPHYS108Astronomy4F4
SOC108Cultural GeographyIDIS110World Geography and Global Issues3M5
SOC110Sociology of Health and IllnessSOCELECTSociology Elective3 
SOC120Principles of SociologySOC115Introductory Sociology3M4
SOC180Principles of Sociology – HonorsSOC115Introductory Sociology3M4
SOC202Contemporary Social Issues – America as a Diverse SocietySOCELECTSociology Elective3 
SOC206Religion and Human ExperienceSOC265Sociology of Religion3 
SOC209The FamilySOC125Marriage and the Family3 
SOC214Cultural Diversity in America: The Sociology of Ethnic and Minority GroupsSOC258Power and Conflict3Does not fulfill Writing Intensive requirement
SOC215Physical AnthropologySOCELECTSociology Elective3 
SOC216Cultural AnthropologySOC113Cultural Anthropology3M4
SOC217ArcheologySOCELECTSociology Elective3 
SOC221Sociology of GenderSOC355Sociology of Gender3Does not fulfill Writing Intensive requirement
SOC222Deviant BehaviorSOC240Social Deviance3 
SOC224Sociology PsychologyPSYC340Social Psychology3 
SOC230Sociology of GlobalizationNMELECTNon-Major Elective3 
SOC291,  SOC292Special Topics in SociologySOCELECTSociology Elective3 


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