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Chernoh Shaw



Tell us about yourself.

I am a senior sports management major, and I participate in a variety of activities on campus. I am a member of the football team as well as a member of three clubs: ABLE, SAAC, and BSU. I also participate in many community service-based organizations, such as the Special Olympics and the Boys and Girls Club of Bethlehem, where I serve as a mentor.

My favorite spot on campus is…

Probably the HUB, because is where I interact with all my friends and eat food.

What’s your favorite ̽ tradition?

My favorite tradition is homecoming, because it is great to see all the alumni and families support us for the game.

One thing that many of my colleagues don’t know about me outside of my ̽ responsibilities is…

I babysit my 8-month-old nephew. This is a very important aspect of my life because I value family bonding.

Have you given or received a #MyMoPaw yet?

Our class gave a MoPaw to George Bright, our new Athletic Director, because we wanted to give him a warm welcome to the ̽ community.

Finish this sentence: “When I grow up, I want to be _____.”

I want to work in the sports industry because I've always had a passion for athletics.

Chernoh Shaw

Who is your hero? Why?

My mother. She worked very hard to support me and my siblings, and she motivates me to work as hard as she does.

What is the best advice you have ever received?

Don't hold grudges, because you may want to cross over a bridge you have already burned.

I can never resist a good _______.

Home-cooked meal!

What makes you happy?

Overcoming challenges.