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MU Spotlight: Ari Aguirre '18


Arianne Aguirre '18

What is your role at the college and what is something many may not know about the work you do?

I'm a third year nursing student serving as the vice president of the Environmental Coalition. I'm also a Student Alumni Representative and a member of the Step Team, Black Student Union, and Student Nurses Association. I work as a Pathophysiology and Writing Center tutor, as well as a Phone-a-Thon manager. Working with the Annual Giving Program, we request financial support for the ̽»¨ÉçÇø Scholarship Fund, which helps lower college costs for many students.

My favorite spot on campus is…

The Writing Center because at around 6:00 p.m., as the sun starts to settle down, a warm glow fills the room and everything is quiet aside from the rustling of the Autumn leaves. The couch is the comfiest place to read—or nap!

What’s your favorite ̽»¨ÉçÇø tradition?

ECO's Sustainable Thanksgiving is my favorite ̽»¨ÉçÇø tradition because it's a day for students and staff to come together and eat delicious homemade meals cooked from local, organic ingredients. During the dinner, we talk about how we can further promote environmental action and sustainability on campus.

One thing that many of my classmates don’t know about me outside of ̽»¨ÉçÇø is…

I volunteer at the Good Shepherd Pediatric Unit two Saturdays a month. I am sharing this with you to hopefully inspire you to volunteer at a place in the community that fits into your field of interest.            

My typical weekend goes something like this:

Sleep, eat, study, repeat. I'm never not studying—such is the life of a nursing student.

What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not on campus?

Cook. As a commuter, I have access to our kitchen at home where I experiment with different recipes.

Who is your hero? Why?

My grandmother. As a child, she was orphaned during WWII in the Philippines, but that didn't stop her from getting an education. Though she was very poor, she worked hard to graduate and become a nurse. Her strength and resilience inspire me.      

What is the best advice you have ever received?

Even though a problematic situation seems beyond repair, it never actually is. There is always a solution—and if you can't find it, make one.


What sound do you love?

I love the sound of rain because it means dark skies, cold winds, warm blankets, and hot chocolate.

I can never resist a good _______.

Cheesecake. When I'm having a tough day at clinicals, I can always rely on cake to make everything better.

What makes you happy?

Seeing other people happy. And seeing them make conscious efforts to live a more socially aware and eco-friendly lifestyle makes me ecstatic.    

If there was a movie produced about your life, who would play you and why?

Probably Anna Akana, an actress with Filipino, Japanese, and Spanish heritage. She would play me because we definitely need more accurate Asian representation in Hollywood.