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MU Spotlight: Adam White

MU Spotlight 20/20

Adam White

What is your role at the college and what is something many may not know about the work you do?

I am a graduating senior, and have been involved with USG, Senior Class Gift Committee, and am a TA/Student Mentor for the Student Success program that is new to campus this semester. Being a part of the Student Success program has been an incredible opportunity and a true honor. It is so rewarding to work with and help fellow Hounds on their journey.

My favorite spot on campus is...

This would be a toss up between the front walkway to Comenius Hall and the Astronomy observation deck on top of the Hall of Sciences. The view of Martin Tower and the Bethlehem star from the observation deck is breathtaking, and I think the image walking up to Comenius Hall is beautiful as well and captures our great history at ̽»¨ÉçÇø.

What’s your favorite ̽»¨ÉçÇø tradition?

I love Homecoming weekend, and the annual Give Day! Homecoming is a blast to see old friends and enjoy the parade and game. Give Day is an awesome, relatively new tradition that brings the college together. It is so great to see students, faculty, staff, administration, and alumni all work together to achieve a common goal!

One thing that many of my colleagues don’t know about me outside of my ̽»¨ÉçÇø responsibilities is…

Something people may not know about me, is that at one point, I thought seriously about not finishing my degree. I struggled greatly my first semester at ̽»¨ÉçÇø, finishing with a GPA of 1.91. I then had to take medical leave from the college the following semester. I lived in immense pain daily, caused by two incredibly rare spinal disorders. That year, I had a 14 hour reconstructive spinal procedure in New York City performed by a neurosurgeon, an orthopedic surgeon, and a plastic surgeon. Throughout the immediate recovery from surgery, I really had myself convinced that college was not my thing, and earning a degree was not in the cards for me. It took some great talks with my parents, many prayers, and a lot of soul searching to realize that if I can go through all my health problems and make it, then I definitely can return to school, finish my degree, and do so on time and with an improved GPA. And here I am two years after surgery, graduating on time with a 3.2 average! I share my story openly, because it helped shape the man I am. And I do so now to show that determination and grit can get you through anything. If anyone can benefit from hearing about my journey, then I certainly want to share! No matter the circumstances, if you want something enough, you'll go and get it, and let nothing stand in your way.

My typical weekend would go something like this:

Depending on the season, I can be found on a golf course or driving range on the weekends. I love to golf, and as soon as it is warm enough I will be on the course. I also like spending my weekends with my girlfriend, friends, and family, doing anything from going out to eat, to different events around the area.

What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not on campus?

I love more than anything to spend time with those close to me. If I am not at school, I can be found with friends, my girlfriend, or family. Those in my life truly energize me, and making memories with them is important to me. I also enjoy playing my guitar, and watching classic comedy movies from the 1970s and 1980s.   

What's your favorite color?

I like the colors orange and green. Orange because I think it is bright and vibrant, and green because it reminds me of the outdoors. Also, I am a die-hard Flyers hockey and Eagles football fan, so I am sure that has something to do with my choices.

Who are your heroes?

My heroes are my Mom and Dad, Carolyn and Ed White. Or as I call them, my roommates! They are both so incredibly loving and supportive, and always there when I need their assistance. They are my biggest fans, always seem to know just what to say, and always know how to keep me on the right path when I need those reminders. They have made sacrifices and worked so incredibly hard to give my brother, Jake, and I an amazing life and assist us through our educations. And they have been an incredible example for Jake and I in their work, relationships, faith, and marriage. I am forever grateful for all they have done, are doing, and will continue to do, to guide Jake and I along our life's journey.

What sound do you love? Why?

I love the sound of waves crashing on the beach. I find it so relaxing. I am a total beach bum, and would love to live by the water someday.

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough! It always has been, really. I think it reminds me of childhood memories and the beach.