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Degree Requirements

The requirements for the baccalaureate degree are:

  1. Completion of 30 course units of study (33 or more for the B.Mus. and other degree programs where indicated) with a cumulative GPA of 2.00 including:
  • Completion of the program of studies outlined in the section on Learning in Common.
  • Completion of at least one writing-intensive course per major in the student's major program (please see specific departmental requirements, where appropriate); double majors are required to complete one writing-intensive course per major.
  • Completion of all requirements for a major with a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher for all course both required and elective, identified as counting towards the major. Please note that co-requisite and pre-requisite courses that are not listed as being part of a major do not count in the major GPA. (Please review the catalog requirements for a list of major courses.)  In the case of an interdepartmental major, the average of all course units in Set I and Set II must be 2.00 or higher. Unlike the overall cumulative GPA, in which both grades of any repeated course are counted, the cumulative GPA in the major includes only the higher grade earned in a repeated course. A repeated course will count only once toward the total required course units.
  • Completion of the final 12 course units for the degree as a degree candidate in residence at ̽»¨ÉçÇø or in programs approved by ̽»¨ÉçÇø and as a student in the day session.
  1. Satisfaction of all obligations to the University including, but not limited to, payment of any outstanding charges and return of equipment and library books.
  2. At the time of scheduled graduation, clearance of any disciplinary charges that have resulted in, or may result in, either expulsion or suspension.

It is the responsibility of each student to see that these requirements are met.

Degree Requirements for Transfer Students

To transfer to ̽»¨ÉçÇø, students must be in good academic and disciplinary standing at another college or university that is approved by an accrediting agency acceptable to ̽»¨ÉçÇø. In order to receive a degree from ̽»¨ÉçÇø, a transfer student must be enrolled at the University for no fewer than two fall or spring terms of study and complete no fewer than 12 course units. At least half the courses required for the student’s major within the major department must be taken at ̽»¨ÉçÇø unless the number required is reduced by the department.  

For students completing a minor or certificate, at least 50% of the minor or certificate must be completed in letter-graded courses taken at ̽»¨ÉçÇø. 

Only courses passed with a grade of C (not C–) or higher or the equivalent, as determined by the University, are considered for transfer of credit to ̽»¨ÉçÇø. No more than 20 course units (80 semester hours of credit) will be accepted in transfer from accredited institutions toward a degree at ̽»¨ÉçÇø.

All the requirements for a degree (listed above under degree requirements) must be met by transfer students, except as noted in the following paragraph. Work transferred from another institution may satisfy some of these requirements. Students who successfully complete an A.A., A.S. or B.A. or B.S. degree prior to enrolling at ̽»¨ÉçÇø are exempted from completing Learning in Common, with the exception of a U1 or U2 course, which must be completed in a letter-graded course at ̽»¨ÉçÇø.  All other transfer students must fulfill the requirements specified in the Learning in Common curriculum, completing either the two Upper-Division courses or one Upper-Division and one Multidisciplinary course at ̽»¨ÉçÇø. LEARNING IN COMMON in addition to their majors, all ̽»¨ÉçÇø students (except those in the Add-Venture program) are required to complete a program in general education to acquire a well-rounded liberal arts education.

The Learning in Common curriculum (LinC) is designed to provide ̽»¨ÉçÇø students with a broad-based, academically challenging, and intellectually rigorous education in the liberal arts and sciences. To fulfill the LinC general education requirements, students will choose courses from a variety of LinC categories. These categories are designed to provide students with a broad spectrum of learning in the liberal arts and sciences and to help them develop an appreciation of and capacity for scholarship and a lifelong love of learning. LinC courses will help students develop the basic skills of reading, writing, speaking, numeracy, and information literacy, as well as the more complex abilities of critical thinking, problem- solving, and creativity, and an understanding of the creative experience, etc.

Students transferring into graduate programs from another accredited graduate program may transfer up to 25% of their degree program, depending on external licensing and accreditation requirements. Courses earning grades of B or better are eligible for transfer, in accordance with discipline-specific transfer guidelines. Programs which lead to professional licensure often will not permit transfer of courses at the graduate level.