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Couples Therapy

Overview of Couples Therapy

Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) provides counseling for couples and friends as long as one person is a current student at ̽»¨ÉçÇø. Couples therapy can provide a "neutral territory" to help couples and friends work through tough issues. Sessions are free of charge and the number of sessions and session length are tailored to meet the couple's needs. If one or both persons of the couple is also seeking individual therapy services at CAPS, it is best practice to see a different therapist for couples therapy.

What to expect at your first session?

When the couple first contacts CAPS for services, they will typically be scheduled for and intake session and sent an email with paperwork that needs to be completed prior to the intake session. During the first meeting the therapist will discuss confidentiality, and spend time getting to know the couple and reasons for seeking therapy. Toward the end of the session the therapist and the couple will discuss the best plan moving forward, which may be continued couples therapy, individual services, and/or referral to a community based agency.

How to make the most of Couples therapy

     Couples therapy can be most effective when each individual......

  • is motivated to attend couples therapy sessions.
  • focuses on changing themselves rather than the other person.
  • attitude's are flexible and able to see personal flaws.
  • stays calm and communicative.


The APA Code of Ethics and PA state law considers the personal information discussed in therapy to be confidential. This means that no record of therapy is made on an academic transcript, and that information regarding the therapy is not released without both parties written permission, unless otherwise indicated by law. This means that if the couple wants someone else to be informed that services have been received, both parties must sign a specific authorization to disclose information.