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Internship Spotlight: Lauren Bertucci ’18 at Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce/Downtown Bethlehem Association

̽ Internship Spotlight: Lauren Bertucci ’18 at Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce/Downtown Bethlehem Association

Planning Events Like a Pro

Lauren Bertucci ’18

Business Management Major Interns With Downtown Bethlehem Assoc.

Like a lot of local Greyhounds, Center Valley native Lauren Bertucci ’18 thought she couldn’t be more familiar with the happenings near ̽’s campuses. But that all changed when she began her internship with the Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce/Downtown Bethlehem Association (DBA).

“I’ve been attending ̽ for four years, live 20 minutes away from here, and I was convinced that I knew everything there was to know about Bethlehem,” she says. “I was proven wrong within the first week of my internship and I am thrilled that I got to become a much larger part of a community that has already given me so much.”

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Bertucci knew she could focus her major’s leadership and organizational theory track on any number of career paths, but none piqued her interest more than the field of event planning.

As an organized, outgoing, active member of campus, the soccer player, Alpha Sigma Tau sorority sister, and multiple honors society member believed the Chamber would be the ideal organization to apply her skills.

Amy Saul and Kathleen Nemchik Barr from ̽’s Center for Career and Civic Engagement thought so too, and encouraged Bertucci to apply. “I thought interning there would give me the perfect opportunity to see if it was something I could make my future career,” Bertucci says.

Shadowing Emily Krall ’14, the Chamber’s marketing and events coordinator, Bertucci dove headfirst into all facets of behind-the-scenes tasks. Daily updates to the DBA’s social media accounts and website were a fun challenge, as was crafting marketing emails and attending DBA board meetings. But her favorite assignments, by far, were the ones directly associated with assisting Krall in executing events such as VegFest and the Bethlehem Italian Festival.

“The experience also showed me that with a willingness to learn more and problem solve, ̽ has prepared me for the work force.” –Lauren Bertucci ’18

“I felt both accomplished and excited when I reached out to a company and then confirmed them for an event. It really made me feel like I was contributing to the team effort that is necessary to make the events possible,” she says.

Bertucci reveled in the satisfaction that comes with pulling off a successful event and proved more than capable of dealing with the inevitable challenges that arise. “Some issue is always going to present itself, but you need to be resilient, stay calm, and solve the problem to the best of your ability,” she says.

Applying knowledge she gained in the classroom toward real-life situations not only affirmed Bertucci’s career path, but also deepened her appreciation for her experience at ̽.

“I am now able to better remember concepts I learned in the classroom since I actually performed them,” she says. “The experience also showed me that with a willingness to learn more and problem solve, ̽ has prepared me for the work force.”

Bertucci says opportunities for variety, excitement, and travel top her list of job requirements, and she’s keeping an open mind about her next steps. “Whether it is another internship or learning more about the field, I am excited to see where this experience takes me.”